Life Coaching Tips for 2020


Often times people seek out a life coach because they are either at a cross-road in their lives or they’re unclear about what they want.  There is a feeling that something is missing perhaps or that things could and should be better than the current reality.  

Of course, many clients seek a life coach because they want to level up.  That could be in business or health or even relationship status.  This is why I take a mind, body, business, spirit approach.  The mind because mindset is everything.  Your thoughts have the power to create your reality.  The body because I am a physician and truly believe that without health, all your success means nothing.  The career/business because I am a natural born entrepreneur and money matters. It’s not everything but it totally matters.  And spirit/soul because we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  When those components align, you will attract everything you desire including your special someone. 

SO here are several of my life coaching tips:

  1. Count your blessings. Focus on the positive stuff in your life.

  2. Set intentional goals about things that will bring you joy and fulfillment.

  3. Eliminate energy vampires. Sometime you just need to cut the cord that binds you to negative people and situations.

  4. Love yourself. Treat yourself to a day at the spa, to a nice dinner, flowers, a new outfit, etc.

  5. Do a detox or purification twice per year. Your body will thank you and you’ll experience mental clarity and better focus.

  6. Master your self talk. That little voice in your head needs to be put on silent.

  7. Stop procrastinating. Just do it. Don’t wait till it’s the right time or when it’s perfect. It never will be.

  8. Learn something new everyday.

  9. Exercise daily. It’s great for your health and boosts energy.

  10. Meditate.

  11. Take 100% responsibility. For everything, good and bad.

  12. Don’t assume.

  13. Don’t blame.

  14. Don’t take it personal.

  15. Don’t hit the snooze button.

  16. Whether you’re stuck, transitioning or want to level up, invest in yourself. Hire a life coach.

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