Self Love


Imagine spending every moment for the rest of your life with just one person.  What qualities would you want in that person?  Kind, loving, supportive, fun, confident, disciplined, respectful, easy going, etc. 

Do you have those qualities?  Because I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you’re going to be spending the rest of your life with yourself.  

Essentially the most important relationship that you’ll ever have is with yourself.  So it would make sense to have a self love affair.  Speak kindly to yourself, take care of your body, honor your spirit, speak your truth, let go of all the bullshit stories that you keep telling yourself that are holding you hostage.  Don’t beat yourself up over spilled milk.  Shit happens.  None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes.  Learn to forgive not just other but most importantly yourself.  By the way, when you forgive others, you’re doing it for your own health and sanity.  You’re not excusing the behavior.  You just simply don’t let it take space in your mind and in your heart.  You free yourself from the invisible chains that bind you and prevent you from manifesting beautiful things in your life. 

Love and respect yourself and others will learn how to treat you.  If you’re not whole, there’s nothing to give others.

Mothers have a difficult time with this idea.  I’m a mom and I struggled with it for a bit. Until I realized that I can’t keep making withdrawals without making regular hefty deposits.  

You are worthy of love and who best to love you than you! 

How can you show you more love and appreciation?  Every single day show yourself some love!